Matthew 14: 22-33

13th February 2011 Off By Derek Buckthorpe

 22: As soon as they had finished, Jesus made the disciples embark and cross to the other side ahead of Him, while He dismissed the crowd,

23: then he went up the hill by himself to pray. It had grown late and he was alone.

24: The boat was already some distance from the shore, battling with a head wind and a rough sea.

25: Between three and six in the morning He came towards them, walking across the lake.

26: When the disciples saw Him walking on the lake they were so shaken that they cried out in terror, ‘It is a ghost!’

27: But at once Jesus spoke to them: ‘Take heart! It is I, do not be afraid.’

28: Peter called out to Him, ‘Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you over the water,’

29: ‘Come’, said Jesus. Peter got down out of the boat, and walked over the water towards Jesus.

30: But when he saw the strength of the gale he was afraid and beginning to sink, he cried,’Save me, Lord!’

31: Jesus at once reached out and caught hold of him. ‘Why did you hesitate?’ He said. ‘How little faith you have!’

32: Then they climbed into the boat; and the wind dropped.

33: And the men in the boat fell at His feet, exclaiming, ‘You must be the Son of God.’